What do you want to sew? .West Side Sewing Studio classes provide individualized instruction for adults with basic sewing experience. Everyone in class works at their level and speed, making whatever they want, whether home decor or clothing projects. Students are welcome to design their own curriculum; we have no agenda other than teaching people what they want to know.
BEGINNERS ARE WELCOME Beginners may join our Learn to Sew classes, which offer a fixed curriculum designed to teach the basics of sewing. Beginner students will all make the same project, typically a tote bag, as their first project. In all classes. students must bring whatever pattern, fabric, and notions are required. We are not a store; we do not sell materials or notions.
WE TEACH ADULTS our students are teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, homemakers, writers, hairdressers, artists, designers, drag queens, farmers, business owners, and grad students, to name some professions represented. High school students are accepted, but we do not offer children's classes.
CLASS LENGTH How are classes structured? Sessions are scheduled by the calendar month for the sake of organization. Each class is 2 1/2 hrs long & meets once a week. However, students are welcome to customize their attendance. When space has allowed, we have had people do all 4 classes in a single week.
CLASS SIZE Patti's classes run with a minimum of 3 & accept a maximum of 4. Learn to Sew classes run with a minumum of 4 & accept a maximum 6. Classes are kept small so each person gets the attention they need.
WAITLIST If a class you want to join is full, please email [email protected] to be put on the waitlist.
STUDIO MACHINES What equipment will you need? We have Elna sewing machines (3230) for student use. We also have a 3-thread Husquavarna serger, a 4-thread Baby Lock air thread serger, and an Elna cover-stitch machine to be used on an as needed basis. Patti's students are always welcome to bring their own machines; this is especially encouraged if they want help learning to use their machines. Beginner students will use the studio machines.
STUDIO TOOLS The studio is fully equipped with all the tools ( irons, scissors, pins, gauges, tailor chalk, rotary cutters, rulers, etc.) needed to sew. Students are welcome to use all studio tools while in class if they don't have their own.
CANCELLATION POLICY: *Because of the structure of our beginner Learn to Sew classes, a missed class cannot be made up. *Patti's on-going classes extend a make-up credit with a 24 hr minimum cancellation notification. With that notice, a missed class can be made up within a year in any other class with space. Open spaces for makeups are posted on the homepage of our site. *There are no refunds for last-minute cancellations or no-shows.
FEES How much does it cost? Single classes ( $45.00 each) are available when we have a cancellation or an open space in Patti's guided sew classes. We extend a $5.00 discount per week for a full session paid upfront A 2.5 hr class in a full month session is $40.00 x the number of weeks in the month:
3 week month x $40. = $120.00
4 week month x $40. = $160.00
5 week month x $40. = $200.00
PRIVATE LESSONS - As needed, we offer private lessons for $60.00 an hour for a single person, $100.00 for two , and $120.00 for three. Please email to arrange a mutually convenient time.
GIFT CERTIFICATES are available. Email me directly for details: [email protected]
PAYMENT Preferred forms of payment:
check / West Side Sewing Studio
We do not accept Venmo or PayPal because of their fees.
REGISTRATION Registration is done by email: [email protected]. Let us know the day & time you want to sew. If there is space in the class, we will reserve your place. We ask new students to pay upon registration. We ask returning students to pay for the upcoming monthon their last class of the current month.
CLASS POLICIES Full session enrollments only available Openings can be reserved for single classes if one cannot attend the entire session. Please watch for available openings as they are posted on the website & /or ask to have your name put on a waitlist if the class does not fill up. CANCELLATION POLICY Space in our classes is limited, and we often have people on a waitlist. * We request a 24 HOURS cancellation notice in person or by email; no texts, please. * Please email [email protected] at least 24 hours before your class to notify us of your cancellation. * Missed classes without 24 hrs notice will be charged the class fee.
MAKEUP CLASSES For Patti's on-going classes, we offer makeups with a minimum of 24 hrs' notice. Students have a year to make up a missed class. Learn to Sew classes are not refundable, nor can a missed class be made up. There are no refunds for last-minute cancellations or no-shows.
The student is responsible for checking for openings on the website and emailing [email protected] to reserve a class. Payment for a previous month's classes does not roll over to the following month other than a makeup. Space in our classes is limited, and we often have people on a waitlist. * We request a 24 HOURS cancellation notice in person or by email; no texts, please. * Please email [email protected] at least 24 hours before your class to notify us of your cancellation. * Missed classes without 24 hrs notice will be charged the class fee.
SINGLE/EXTRA CLASSES To schedule a single or extra class, students need to check the homepage on this site to see when we have openings and then contact me in person or by email ([email protected]) to reserve their space. No texts, please.
Extra class is $40.00 for students currently enrolled in a session.
Single class is $45.00 for students not currently enrolled in the session.
SNOW/Bad Weather Cancellation Policy: Conditions under which we cancel classes: + When driving conditions are not safe
When the city issues a parking ban
When the studio loses electricity & heat
Because of the weather/ loss of power, a canceled class means you have credit for that class
OPEN SEW Sessionswill be available as the schedule permits. Use the studio - cutting tables, sewing machines, etc. to work independently; no instruction. The fee is $20.00 hr calculated on the quarter hour.